Finally! The time has come



Well, it has always been a while as I no longer update as much as the previous time. I will share several updates of what things have happened to me. Finally, after the pandemic come across Indonesia in early 2020 I firmly remembered and also lockdowns here and there. I was already fully vaccinated last year – got twice jabs of Sinovac.

I survived through the past 2 years fighting this virus yet, unfortunately, I had to deal with the covid-19 last month. Yes, I was tested positive for covid-19 on Feb, 16th 2022. I had symptoms such as; a high fever which was almost 38,5C, sore throat, cough, and flu at the same time with a superb headache that I barely bear at that time. A day after I went back from my hometown (I was doing WFH thing due to my dad’s hospitalized) then was about to go to work and I all of sudden threw up and feel dizzy, I can sense my body temperature was a bit warmer than usual, I arrived at the office but wasn’t allowed to enter in because I had a high fever, I talked to my superior and he let me do WFH, I then hurried up head my self to the laboratory to take the covid-19 test and sure as well the result was clearly stated “POSITIF”.

I did not surprise by the result as I already felt that I might get infected by the virus. I texted my family and friends right away to make sure they were well informed about my condition. I then did a self-quarantine for 10 days as my office let me take a sick note for those days and I had to do another test before I start to work from the office.

Besides the symptoms I felt above,  I also had heavy breathing – I had this comorbid aka asthma so I was a bit paranoid, nevertheless, my condition was getting way better each day, I also lost my taste (?) I mean I can still smell something properly but I can’t recognize what the food taste was like… everything was merely tasteless. The very first week was the worst ever, I felt almost all the symptoms and I was often exhausted from doing…… nothing….. during quarantine I swear, it felt like a common cold but worsen.

One month exact after I tested (+) from covid-19, I decided to take the booster jab yesterday and I can still feel my left arm is numb and sore. I think no one knows the right answer regarding when this pandemic will be actually be normalized as a regular illness, though?
